Club Membership

Build Chalenges

Join in on friendly build challenges to put your skills to the test and compete for prizes and bragging rights!

Knowledge Exchange

Gain and share expertise and experience from fellow woodworking members and seasoned professionals.

monthly Newsletters

Keep informed about club meetings, local events, woodworking tips, techniques and tools and member spotlights.


Access to all club newsletters, upcoming woodworking events, recorded club meetings and more to come.

Monthly Meetings

Access to monthly meetings to engage other woodworking enthusiasts and attend special guest presentations.

Event Notifications

Receive regular e-mail notifications about upcoming club activities, local events and club information.

Monthly Meetings

Gain access to all of our in-person meetings consisting of special guest speakers, interactive demonstrations, informative presentations, club news, challenging contests and enjoy some refreshments with the opportunity for networking, and socializing.

Crafting Skills

Whether you are looking to enhance your skills, seek inspiration or just connect with fellow woodworkers, our club provides the perfect platform. Our members cover a diverse range of woodworking disciplines and experience to aide in growing your skills of your craft.


Receive monthly newsletters packed with great woodworking tips, history, updates on club activities and featured member spotlights. Stay connected with the latest woodworking news, projects, and valuable resources to enhance your skills. 

Community Involvement

Our club is dedicated to participating in local events, spreading the joy of woodworking to enthusiasts and curious minds alike. Our involvement is to share the beauty of woodworking with others, to inspire creativity and grow the passion for our craft.

Build Challenges

Unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in our woodworking challenges designed to push the boundaries of your skills, to explore new techniques, and to refine your craftsmanship.  Join in the competition for prizes and to earn bragging rights.

Online Content

Gain exclusive access to all the club newsletters and to check for upcoming woodworking events.  Missed a meeting?  Watch our recorded club meetings online. Expect more content as we strive to elevate your woodworking journey to new heights.